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关于AxProtector Changelog

2022/9/5 7:11:40发布58次查看
axprotector changelog这之后,软件加密不惧未来,敢打敢拼,在市场上赢得了一次又一次的掌声。
revision: 2016-july-12 page: 1 of 66 systems
axprotector 950release date2016-july-12features:fb42339: axprotector windows: the level of protection against the use of profiler hasbeen increasedfb42583: axprotector windows: anti-debugging measures impeding the integration ofdebugger have been improvedfb42542: axprotector net: the detection of virtual machines has been enhancedfb37615: axprotector net: axprotector net now sets the version number of thereferred 'wupinet' library to the most current axprotector version numberfb42991: axprotector net: embedded resources holding wpf elements ("baml, controlelements) are now excluded from automatic encryptionfb42992: axprotector net: after encryption the console now issues a summary of theencryption resultfb24839: axprotector linux: the option '-cav' for mutual code integrity check ofexecutable file and shared object(s) is now also featured for the project type linuxfb42910: axprotector java: on activating method encryption (option '-ci'), by default, thetrap function (option '-trap', 10%) is setbugfixes:fb40686: axprotector: if on creating an encrypted archive an error occurred (arguments inthe commandline), axprotector did not write this error into the log filefb42782: axprotector windows: on windows 10 binaries with activated 'control flowprotection' could not be loadedfb42090: axprotector windows: improved handling of native applications with complexthread local storage callbacks (tls)fb41090: axprotector net: the 'wupinetdll' library was required although the softwareprotection api (wupi) was deactivated axprotector changelog
revision: 2016-july-12page: 2 of 66 systems
fb42235: axprotector net: a class name was not obfuscated, if from this class aresource was created the same holds, if the class implements the wpf interface'icomponentconnection'fb42235: axprotector mac os x: the encryption of 64 bit osx executables on 32 bitplatforms was faultedfb39068: usermessage dll: the 'logpath' variable was not interpreted by theusermessage dllaxprotector 940arelease date2016-may-18bugfixes:fb42098: axprotector windows: on parallel loading and unloading of libraries in rarecases a infinive loop occurred for the integrity check at runtime (-cav)axprotector 940release date2016-apr-08features:fb41106: axprotector windows: the performance and the memory requirements of thecode integrity check have been improvedfb37332: axprotector windows: the option "-cav2“ now activates an additional check onimporting modulesfb40536: axprotector java: the java sdk now holds the new file "wupienginejar" inorder to test unencrypted java programs using the software protection api wupifb37829: axprotector libraries: the detection of the virtualization software parallels hasbeen improvedfb40909: axprotector windows: if the options "-cci" (dll loading sequence), "-cco"(activexocx images), "-ccx" (mixed-mode assemblies) and "-i" (exception handling forplugin dll files) are set, now the commandline issues messages


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