sql server中翻页 存储 过程 : create proc blog_getpagedposts ( @pageindex int, @pagesize int, @blogid int=0, @posttype int=-1, @categoryid int=-1, @hiding bit =0, @count int output ) as declare @pagelowerbound int declare @pageupperbound in
sql server中翻页存储过程:
create proc blog_getpagedposts
@pageindex int,
@pagesize int,
@blogid int=0,
@posttype int=-1,
@categoryid int=-1,
@hiding bit =0,
@count int output
declare @pagelowerbound int
declare @pageupperbound int
set @pagelowerbound = @pagesize * @pageindex - @pagesize
set @pageupperbound = @pagelowerbound + @pagesize + 1
create table #ids
tempid int identity (1, 1) not null,
entryid int not null
insert into #ids(entryid) select distinct [id] from view_content where categoryid=@categoryid and blogid=@blogid order by [id] desc
select vc.*
from view_content vc
inner join #ids tmp on (vc .[id] = tmp.entryid)
where tmp.tempid > @pagelowerbound
and tmp.tempid order by tmp.tempid
select @count=count(*) from #ids
select @count=count(*) from #ids
drop table #ids
return @count
access中实现如下,这也是我在myblog access版中使用的:
public list getpagedpost(pagedpost p, out int totalrecords)
list list = new list();
using (oledbconnection conn = getoledbconnection())
stringbuilder sql = new stringbuilder();
sql.appendformat(select [id] from blog_content as p );//构造查询条件
if (p.categoryid > 0)
sql.appendformat(,blog_categories as c, blog_links as l where c.categoryid=l.categoryid and (p.id=l.postid ) and c.categoryid={1} and p.blogid={0} ,p.blogid, p.categoryid);
sql.appendformat( where p.blogid={0} , p.blogid);
if (p.posttype != posttype.undeclared)
sql.appendformat( and p.posttype={0} , (int)p.posttype);
sql.append( order by p.[dateupdated] desc);
// netdiskcontext.current.context.response.write(sql.tostring());
oledbcommand mycomm = new oledbcommand(sql.tostring(), conn);
list ids = new list(); //获取主题id列表
using (oledbdatareader dr = mycomm.executereader())
while (dr.read())
if (totalrecords return list;
int pagelowerbound = p.pagesize * p.pageindex - p.pagesize;//记录索引
int pageupperbound = pagelowerbound + p.pagesize ;
stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
if (totalrecords >= pagelowerbound)
for (int i = pagelowerbound; i {
sb.appendformat({0},, ids[i]);//构造id in() 条件,取其中一页
else return list; //如没有记录返回空表
sb.remove(sb.length - 1, 1);//删除最后一个逗号
mycomm.commandtext = string.format(select b.* , c.account as account from blog_content b, blog_config c where b.blogid=c.blogid and b.[id] in ({0}) order by b.dateadded desc, sb.tostring());
using (oledbdatareader dr = mycomm.executereader())
while (dr.read())
return list;